Tuesday, September 29, 2015

never walk home alone with companion app !!

companion app created by five students from the University of Michigan where you can request a family member or a friend to keep them company virtually and track their trip home via GPS on an online map

if your friends or family members don't have the app they will receive texts message sent from your companion app this message contains link to webpage  will show them interactive map contain you path so If the user strays off their path or fall or is pushed or start running or has their headphone disconnect from his phone the app detects all this changes and he will ask you to confirm if you are okay in 15 second if it was okay press the button and if you don't and happened with you emergency state the companion app will transform your phone to alarm system generates huge noises to scare the criminals and It gives you the option to immediately communicate with police

And tens of thousands of people from all over the world began to use it, which allows them to walk to their destination safely and during the launch of the second version of the application is compiled in one week 500 accident

you can download it for Android devices from HERE

and you can download it for iOS devices from HERE

hope you enjoyed with my new blog and thanks for the reading :)


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