Sunday, May 15, 2016

An innovative way to prevent anyone around you to watch your phone screen !!

Perhaps you may be upset with people who do not respect your privacy, during your use of your smartphone, whether on the street or in a public transport etc. This behavior no one likes it and no one wants the other people looks on the privacy things. This will force you sometimes to not use your phone or to do only simple tasks. But despite all this you certainly you want to respect your privacy and use your phone fully freely anywhere.

A Turkish citizen, "Jalal Guigur" a 40-year-old his story spread on the Internet with how it has succeeded in creating a unique way to make mobile phone screens are not visible, and you have to use special glasses to watch and browse the phone freely.

The man with a forty-year-old said that the reason for his invention is that he wanted to prevent anyone around him to watch his phone screen. Causing him to think in a way in order to achieve complete privacy during the use of the phone in public places.

Jalal is a reformer phone in one of the Turkish cities, and he loves his work in the field of electronics. and that's what made him succeed in his invasion, which consists of a special application that turns your phone screen to a white screen, with special glasses that let you view the phone screen normally without problems

This innovation cost him about $ 4 and will be marketed soon for $ 10. Also, he would seek to add a special button to the glasses in order to activate or cancel this Feature.


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